Dear students,
In your writing classes you have learned that 'a paragraph is a series of sentences grouped together and having a single purpose.It describes or explains one idea. The length of a given paragraph depends on the purpose, the material, and the function of the paragraph.'
and the four main features of a paragraph are:
1. Each paragraph has a topic sentence which states the main idea.
2. First line of each paragraph is supposed to be indented.
3. All sentences are about one single topic. And we call this unity.
4. And each paragraph ends with a concluding sentence. Concluding sentences restate the main idea of the paragraph or summarize the main points. They might also be a suggestion, an opinion or a prediction.
And then, you have learned what 'brainstorming' is and how important it is in the writing process. You can see a template for brainstorming below.
The next step in the writing process is the 'outline'. You are going to study outlines in more details when you start to write essays. You can see a sample comparison and contrast essay outline below.
To learn more about outlines you can visit
That's all for now. The next post for writing classes is going to be about the parts of a paragraph.